القائمة الرئيسية


what are the emergency numbers in uae

what are the emergency numbers in uae

When faced with unexpected situations or emergencies, knowing the appropriate contact numbers is crucial for swift and effective assistance. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country known for its rapid development and world-class infrastructure, various emergency services are readily available to provide aid in times of need. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to the essential emergency numbers in the UAE, ensuring that both residents and visitors are well-informed and prepared.

1. Police Services: 999

 The UAE's police force is known for its prompt response and commitment to ensuring safety and security. Dialing 999 connects you to the police emergency hotline, where trained professionals are ready to address any criminal or threatening situations. Whether it's a robbery, accident, or any suspicious activity, the police are equipped to handle a wide range of emergencies.

2. Ambulance Services: 998

 Health emergencies can occur at any time, and having access to swift medical assistance is paramount. Dialing 998 connects you to the ambulance services in the UAE. Trained paramedics and medical personnel are dispatched to provide immediate medical aid and transport to the nearest medical facility.

3. Fire and Rescue Services: 997 

In case of fires, accidents, or other incidents requiring rescue operations, dialing 997 connects you to the fire and rescue services. The highly trained firefighters and rescue teams are equipped to handle emergencies involving fire, hazardous materials, and other life-threatening situations.

4. Coast Guard: 996

Given the UAE's extensive coastline and maritime activities, the coast guard plays a vital role in ensuring safety at sea. Dialing 996 connects you to the coast guard, which responds to emergencies such as maritime accidents, distress calls from vessels, and water-related incidents.

5. Electricity and Water Emergencies: 991

 In cases of power outages or water supply disruptions, the UAE has a dedicated emergency hotline at 991. This number enables residents to report any issues related to electricity or water supply and seek immediate assistance.

6. Child Helpline: 116111 

The UAE prioritizes the well-being of its younger citizens. The child helpline, accessible via 116111, provides support for children facing various challenges, including abuse, neglect, or any distressing situation. Trained counselors are available to offer guidance and assistance.

7. Traffic Accidents: 901

 In the event of a road traffic accident, dialing 901 connects you to the traffic department. The authorities will promptly respond to the scene to manage the situation, provide medical aid if necessary, and facilitate the necessary procedures.


Memorizing and keeping the essential emergency contact numbers in the UAE readily accessible can make a significant difference in times of crisis. The UAE's commitment to public safety is evident through its efficient emergency services. By knowing the right numbers to call, residents and visitors alike can ensure that help is just a phone call away. Stay informed, stay safe!
